Monday, July 28, 2008

Link to Chronology of Events

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The List of Conflicts of Interests in Ohio's High Court and Board of Disciplinary Issues Is Considerable

This blog will begin to make some small dent on the kinds of conflicts of
interests that exist within the Ohio Legal system and how some of them
are extremely critical in terms of who may be focused upon by the
State and Local Disciplinary Counsel across Ohio.

Certainly, there are numerous instances of legal misconduct which need
to be ferreted out and investigated properly. Individuals and businesses
across Ohio have been severely damaged by lawyer's dishonest acts, or poor

There are also some instances where truly evil things have been done by
lawyers which have, in turn, produced very severe human suffering. These lawyers
do not to be regulated and sanctioned, where applicable, once due process is afforded to their defense.

However, what is clear, this kind of conduct, the most serious form, is not
either limited to solo lawyers and/or those who happen to be trying to earn a living
from their law license in the private sector nor is it being reviewed by disinterested "police" of the profession; i.e. the dreaded, 'ethics prosecutors' of our so-called "self regulating" profession....

Politics brings influence and politics is a business today, as much as it is
an art of persuading people that their policies and/or agenda is the better or best
among several competing views.

However, what is well settled, is political agendas can and do operate within the context of major donor interests among the State's Third Branch...the Judiciary.

...And these donor interests, are neither neutral nor indifferent to the issues and interest they pay politicallly driven candidates and high officer holders, great sums of money, to help them reach their high offices...

The Ohio Supreme Court and its branches of various agencies and areas of influence is no exeption to this money washing and its high stakes game of multi-
million dollar donations and corrupting influence on the legal process. The same high roller for justice cash donor process of the Ohio Supremes has even caught the national media attention and that of various serious court watchers and scholars throughout the nation.

Much has been written in recent years on the legal case outcome side of this
issue. Many scholarly and legal publication articles are being discussed as the
topic heats up not just in Ohio but around the nation. A non profit center called
"Justice at Stake" has published for the past several years, a startling annual reivew of the amounts of money and cash that special interest groups, like the Chamber of Commerce and the municipal insurance defense law firms are pouring into the cofferes of vapid, often listless and non inspirations judicial female candidates, who then take office w/ nuns and tom noe and the FOP color guards at their side, ALL AT ONCE AS IF IT WERE SOME KIND OF STRANGE RELIGOUS-STATE-MONEY LAUNDERING CELEBRATION EVENT, instead of the opening of the calender year for the
State's highest court of law....[see the link to the "Justice Judy" 2004 "innaguration day parade of fools" w/ Master of Ceremonies, Tom Noe, whom the justice assuringly states openly and publicly, "without whom i would not be here"]

tongue in cheek was never so glib! again..w/ her favorite nun at her side...! church religious and the mafia types always did go hand in hand...
but today...its not of any particular ethnic origin that this is so...

Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConner, has spoken out against this type of political purchase power of variety of special interests who are increasingly buying their way in and out of the highest Court houses doors around the various states.

But what has NOT been so readily discussed, is the putative connection between
such political interests, and the convergence of special interest donor money and the literaly disciplinary state and local bar associations prosecutions of certain
"undesirables" within the legal system that seems to have its own sphere and orbit
of a particular virulent form of political corruption operating in under a heavy
guise of legal ethics in a complete stealth mode, and its operating as needed and when turned on, and loosed upon the unsuspecting non conventional lawyer by the very
highest memberes of this proffession and those high court officials who may be doing the very bidding of their well documented expensive and well healed donors and special intersts, who happened to have the ability to call in a few favors, when
necessary to silence the judges and lawyers who are a bit too "noisy" for their own

This is the blog that specially wishes to delve in this particular issue. It is not often very clear exactly what type of influence such speical interests are purchasing w/ their multimillion dollar 'roll outs' of serious campaign cash donations in our modern era of High Court Elections in the Judicial cycles of Ohio
and other major states.

But what is clear, is for whatever shadows exist in this process on the up front
aspect of the donor's pet agendas, there seems to be no question, at least sometimes
very clear results obtained that just happen to coincide with these special interests interests, and those actions taken against lawyers and particularly solo
and independent minded judges, who do not happen to share the same political party,
or philosophy or worse, the same worldview of those special interests that are most
heavily contributing tot he outcomes of this high court officials and are most heavilty invested in maintaining their world view thru the status quo political machinery of the present era, inside this state.

To make such comments, risks automatic denounciation and certain calls which raise "serious questions of competency" among the peers and profefssionals.

This is a way in which to isolate 'the problem lawyer' who is not acting in according with "professional standadrs and expectation of the kind of high conduct
which is expected of all lawyers"

Such is the language of the American legal gulag process that high court officials like Thomas Moyers and company at the Ohio Supreme Court have created in a very serious, deliberate and yet low profile manner, at least in terms of the general
public image of what they have done and what they publicly state they exist for...

This blog will start in a basic manner; by listing those officials who are known to the blogger, who are most likely to have been major donor interested individuals
who are today, high ranking officials in the legal disciplinary system of Ohio...

and who just happen to be those whom republican interests among the large corporate world and municipal insurer community find very much their own and have
helped with them , to create the present day machinery that can make life for a 'disobedient' lawyer, and one who is "not playing by the rules"...nor doing the
conventional lawyering among the present day public, very very difficult, if not
miserable and impossible to continue on as a functioning liigator or active legal
advocate for those who may need just this sort of lawyer who is NOT conventional, and is not willing to sell out to the lowest bidder his time and value of his services and who may just be willing to buck the normal conventions of what a lawyer is to be "like" and how he/she is "supposed to conduct themselves among the profession"...aka make money and shut up and don't dare critique the ohio or the state of the American judiciary itself, inside any motions filed on behalf of shot dead black men from Minneapolis...or racially beaten young black men from Warren, Ohio before the Northern District of Ohio...

Such code words, sound high and mighty and ethical; in reality, they are not unlike the talibanite codes words for exerting tremendous controlling influence
of the legal profession as a whole and have created a certain living trynny for
all lawyers who dare to even consider becoming whistleblowers, legal watchdogs, and/or self appointed constituitonal lawyers who care more about civil rights
of others, than he does about the bottom line of his own bank account, which defies the logic and the norm for what the law profession today, is defined as and by;
pure material considerations of monetary success; its a profession wholly consumed
w/making money and making money its basis for being...

and so..those with the most influence at the present moment in several states,
but especially in ohio, organizations with great sums of money at hand, can exert
tremendous influence, over the few judges in Ohio who control the livelihoods of
tens of thousands of legal practitioners and so make the same, conform to their
understanding of what represent the idea legal "model' of the profession of
law for solo and small firm pratitioners...

in the end, the image of a lawyers, is being controlled and tightly monitored
and severely restricted in terms of the individual's ability to speak out, write
strongly and advocate zealously for certain groups who do not fit the matrix or the
philosophy of the corporate world and their elite few groups and interests.

Today, where one stands in relation to his law license and his ability to practice depends largely on those whom he cares to represent and how serious
he wants to do geniune lawyering for them, versus, being a figure head static
lawyer who goes through the motions of doing legal work for clients but is more
in it for the material considerations, thatn the ideals behind the law itself.

Such is the present day realities of the practice of law. EVery solo lawyer knows exactly what i am stating and its taken for granted by all lawyers, so much so, its hardly even discussed and its understood, from law school on...that simply
certain "hot button" issues are not going to be delt with by the solo lawyer in
any truly effective way, when it comes to being able to police the police of one's own profession.

The lawyering system is not a democratic based model. The profession has its
madrians and its feudal lords; its a throw back to the old world way of controlling
special interests and political power spheres; its not revolutionary whatsoever; its more reactionary than anything, if that; in one simple way, its a pure oligarchy
and its pure dictorial model if not a soviet style approach to running human delivery system of social legal services; its a top down strict vertical operation; there is little input from teh bottom up, unless the 'bottom' means you make over 500,000 a year and can contribute heavily to one of the major republican party funders and/or supreme courtjustices; if you can do this, or have someone assist with this for you, you have potential standing befoer this court, as a loyal subject; if you do not, you will be considered as dust beneath their feet and so treated as if anything you read in history books or read in great American speeches or anything that learned hand considered vital for american democratic freedoms
has AnYTHIng to do today for the way, this profession is to operate today and how
those in control of the highest aspect of this profession, dominate the profession
from the highest considerations to the lowly solo lawyers little practice;

its isn't without reason, this kind of repression exists...
we will start this blog, w/ some of the critical names by simply listing them
here...for the public to begin to see the light of day, as to who often hides
in their dark officers, like spiders ready to be sent on their secret missons
halfway around the state w/high paid investigations aiming and directing their
every word, their every step and orchestrating their very prosecutions against
those lawyers who just may not agree w/ their political boss's main donor's
best interest/ a another era, the mafia took tribute money; today, high
court justices, in robes of righteousness, take millions in campaign donations
and other favors; the enemies of these cash transfers interests, in turn,
are delt with not unlike those who dared to buck the mafia of another era; the
may not be killed physically; but their ability to practice within this profession and bring any influence to bear that just may torquet the special interests interests, is going to be severely if not permanenty ended.

The first and most serious name at the moment, on this list, is not the top
lawyer for the state; but one who is most often relied upon the high court
justices to do their darker bidding;

Ms. Lori Brown, of the State Office of Supreme Court's Disciplinary Counsel's Columbus based office is the first to become the focus of this blog;

This diminutive and rather non courageous woman seems to be where despite other
higher powers right next to her, w/ greater outward authority, the heart of darkness
resides inside this Stsate controled powerful Disciplinary Counsel's office.

Im a word, she brings a whole new level of darkness to the state operation because simply she is ready willing and able to do the kinds of "necessary" tasks
that such political ops must consider in order to keep their true constitency satisfied; money talks and it also demands from now and then, a real push... is to her "the willing useful one", we will call her. ..

we will turn our attention...